Since the beginning of the year, the Event Safety and Security Planning Committee, responsible for keeping spectators and players safe, raised concerns about post-match incidents where people jumped over the walls and rushed onto the field uncontrollably. Free State Rugby believed that announcements and security measures could manage this behaviour. 

Before and during each match in 2024, the stadium announcer repeatedly made announcements, and Free State Rugby displayed messages on the big screen and posted reminders on social media. Spectators were continuously urged not to jump over walls but to enter the field orderly through the blue gates on the northwestern and southwestern corners of the stadium. Security officers tried in vain to block supporters.

Despite these efforts, the spectators did not comply. In response, the ESSPC, under the Sports Act, directed Free State Rugby to install fences around the field. This measure ensures players and officials can move safely towards the tunnel after the match, allowing SuperSport to conduct on-field interviews without disruption while giving officials time to store away branding material and equipment before spectators enter the field safely. 

Like before, supporters are welcome to enter the field after the official formalities and through the designated gates. 

After every match, the Toyota Cheetahs players will be behind the main stand to meet supporters. 

This approach isn’t new. Before 2003, the field had permanent fences.